See the unit
Sep 15 2019 12:36PM

The Unit was established by the Faculty Council Resolution No. (101) dated 29/5/2010
See the unit
The Development Projects Management Unit at the College hopes to be a center of excellence in creating a culture of change and implementing the development of higher education through its various components in accordance with local, regional and internationally accredited levels.
Unit message
Continuous development of teaching, learning, scientific research and activities in the faculty through participation in academic and administrative development projects financed by various parties. This makes the college distinguished locally and internationally. This is reflected in the development of human and material capacities and community service. And to reach the international quality level in line with national and international standards
Objectives of the Unit
1- Spreading the culture of change and development in the faculty
2- Forming qualified technical cadres in the fields of development and modernization
Providing the necessary information and data for the projects according to their strategy
4 - Enabling the College of Excellence in various fields.
5. Coordinate with the project units in the faculties of the university and exchange views to gain mutual experience
6 - The axis of communication between the college and the projects unit at the university and also the project management unit to develop higher education in the Ministry of Higher Education
7 - the weight and training of faculty members and their assistants on how to write and submit projects to various bodies
8. Encourage faculty members and their assistants to participate and progress in various projects.
9 - Activate the student participation to submit projects for students.
10. Activate and follow up the agreements signed by the university with governmental and non-governmental bodies, both locally and internationally
11. Promoting, organizing and implementing travel abroad for research, study or training.

Top Ten


First in field (Scientific)


First in field (Scientific)


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